WordPress plugin: Zelig Show Plugins

This plugin allows to create a WordPress page where to show a list of all the active plugins of your web site. For every plugin, only the following elements will be shown: name (with a link to the plugin page), version number and author (with a link to his home page). Starting from version 1.2 there’s an option to show plugins descriptions too. You can see an example of the result in this page [removed].


  • Download the zip file (current version is 1.2 of november 28, 2006).
  • Extract the zelig-show-plugins.php file into the plugins directory in your WordPress installation (wp-content/plugins).
  • Log in to WordPress administration. Go to the Plugins page and Activate this plugin.
  • Create a new page template saving with a different name the “page.php” file present in your template, then edit it adding in the right place (usually before the row starting with <?php edit_post_link… ) the following HTML code:
<?php zelig_show_plugins(); ?>

You also have to add at the top of this new template the code that defines it’s name (or change it, if already present):

  • Create a new page using this template, adding a title and if necessary some text. Loading this page, the plugins list will be shown automatically.
  • In case, you can also edit the “style.css” of your template to set up the visualization style of the table. The classes used are the following:
    .plugins-list (DIV including the whole table)
    .alternate-plug-row (class assigned to the odd rows of the table)
    .plug-row (class assigned to the even rows of the table)
Template Name: Plugins

This plugin can display a text row after the end of the table with the total count of active plugins. You can change the default text of this line or exclude it at all. Another option lets you show plugins descriptions too. You can set all these options using some parameters of the zelig_show_plugins() function:

Parameter Values Description Default
show_count 0
If set to 0, the line with the total count of plugins will be excluded 1
before string Text displayed before the figure There are
after string Text displayed after the figure active plugins in this blog!
description 0
If set to 1, it will show plugins descriptions too 0


<?php zelig_show_plugins('show_count=0'); ?>

Excludes displaying of the line with the total count of plugins.

<?php zelig_show_plugins('before=Ci sono ben &after= plugin attivi in questo blog!'); ?>

Displays the line “That’s amazing: XX active plugins!” after the table.

<?php zelig_show_plugins('before=&after= plugin attivi in totale.'); ?>

Displays the line “XX active plugins.” after the table.

<?php zelig_show_plugins('description=1'); ?>

Displays plugins descriptions too.


The output code is valid XHTML Strict.
Tested with WordPress 2.0.4 and newest only. At present I can’t say if it works with previous versions (but I will apreciate if someone could try it and let me know!).


  • Version 1.2 (november 28, 2006): added an option to show plugins descriptions too.
  • Version 1.1 (august 30, 2006): added a text line after the table with the total count of all active plugins. It’s possible to exclude it or customize the text using the function’s parameters.
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